When Fiom provides services to you, and you have not requested these services on-line, Fiom needs your permission to process your personal data. Please fill out the consent form below to confirm that you allow Fiom to store your data in its systems and that Fiom may use the data to provide services. Your data will be removed from our systems two years after completing our services to you.

Privacy and personal data protection is a top priority to Fiom. You have the right to withdraw or change your permission for the storage and processing of your personal data by Fiom at any given time. Please check our Privacy Code to find more information on this subject.

Usually, we ask your permission for processing your personal data before we start our services. However, in emergency situations, offering urgent help is more important than asking for permission in advance. That is why we are now requesting your permission after all.

Fiom needs your special personal data to be able to provide its services. We use your data only for the purposes you supply them for.