Fiom is conducting a survey into the experiences of people who were pregnant and considered giving up their child for adoption after birth. Those who received counselling during the process, can participate in the survey. It doesn’t matter what the ultimate decision was - taking care of your child yourself, giving the child up for adoption, placing the child in a foster family or any other solution.
You will find more details on the survey in the participants’ information document.
Why are we doing this survey?
Giving your child up for adoption is a life-changing event with serious personal consequences. We therefore think it's particularly important that parents facing such a decision get the right support and counselling. This survey investigates the experiences of people involved in counselling, in order to make improvements where necessary. This survey consists of an online questionnaire.
Want to help other parents in the same situation?
- Were you pregnant and did you consider giving up your child for adoption after birth?
- Did you receive counselling from an organization?
- Did you experience this situation in 2010 or later?
- Was your child born at least three months ago?
- Would you like to share your experiences?
- Are you aged 16 or over?
We would like to hear from you. You can help us improve our counselling services. Would you be willing to complete our questionnaire? To thank you for taking part in the survey, we would like to offer you a 40-euro gift voucher.
Would you like to participate in the research? You can first complete the consent form (step 1). After completing the consent form, you will automatically be taken to the questionnaire (step 2).
Step 1: Consent form
Information on surveyors
Fiom is a specialist in the field of unintended pregnancies and questions regarding people's descent. Fiom is funded by the Dutch Ministry of Public Health, Welfare and Sport (VWS). More information about Fiom.